Monday, February 15, 2010


We have been home from our trip for a week and thought I would get the pictures posted! We had alot of fun on our trip - DisneyWorld is huge and fun but for the ages of my kids I would have just rather gone to Disneyland! I am sure we will go back one day but we have gotten our Disney fix for the time being.

Highlights -

Addison's face meeting all the princesses - it was really fun
Miles and Jackson got to do the Jedi training and fight Darth Vader
Sadie being part of the Monster Inc Laugh Floor presentation

Kids all got their swords - can't leave without the sword!

We enjoyed the rides - Addison is our dare devil - she did them all - except that at some rides she was 40" and at some she was not - she would scream when they said she is not tall enough. I was like um she just did Tower of Terror and was 40" and she is not for the Big Thunder railroad? Jackson on the other had would not try anything and was scared on Snow White's great adventure.

The parks were empty - weather so so - dealt with a little rain but overall it was a good time and I am glad we went! Also - Sadie was an angel - she literally did not cry once! She just ate, slept and loved to ride in the front of the stroller taking in all the sight!

Lastly - huge thanks to my parents - we could not have pulled it off without them - if we hadn't had their help we would have probably come home with only 3 kids instead of 4!! Thanks so much - we love having you with us!