Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Day of School / J T-Ball

Well school started a month ago and here are the picture. Miles started 1st grade and is doing very well - they have a spelling test every week so we have lots of homework preparing but he has done very well so far. He has really gotten big and grown up. Last night at t-ball I was talking and they were waiting for me at the car when I came around the corner I said I'm sorry you were waiting - Miles sais "it's ok mom - we all make mistakes" I got a laugh out of that! Miles has really picked up on t-ball getting outs and even hit a homerun last game!
Jackson has had a harder time with school this year but is starting to get back in the swing of things and enjoying learning his letters. He already knows most of them and makes their sound - he just needs to pick up writing them. Jackson is very cute playing t-ball - he is the only one that stays in his position and doesn't run for everyball - if it comes to his area he will but the rest of the kids looks like a herd of sheep! He hits the ball well and is picking it up fast.
What can I say about Addison she is a mess. All she does at t-ball games is play in the dirt and climb fences! She drives me crazy. We have also started the war on what she can wear - last Sunday it was shoes to church. I told her the ones she picked didn't match. She looked at me and yelled they match! (brown and pink shoes with a navy dress) She also now tells us "don't say that" mostly when we say is it naptime or bedtime! She had a new love for sour cream and salsa.