Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Addison

Addison is two - can you believe it. We can't. All David and I remember is this little baby and then this little girl running around. It really is fun having a little girl. I think it has been night and day between boys and girls. She has so much attitude but is really funny and sweet. She knows what she wants when she wants it! We love her to death! We went to Build-a-Bear for her birthday and she chose a pink bear and dressed her in jean capris with a pink shirt that in sparkles says I'm Fabulous! She loves pink - in a store she grabs anything pink and brings it to me. She loves to shop with mom - she already realizes it is for her and likes to hold all the clothes. We will have fun with that! She loves princesses. She got a purse, a princess set that included a phone, play make-up, sunglasses etc. She just loads everything in the purse and she is off. She also got a princess dress-up set - she loves the shoes. She wears them all over the house and even tries to wear them in stores. We also had people over Sunday the 29th for cake and ice cream. She celebrated well!
She is already 35 inches tall - which they say double your height at 2 and that is how tall - so she should be 5'10" - we will see. She only weighs in at 23.5 pounds so she is really skinny especially when she is so tall.


Miles Family said...

What long pretty hair she has! Sounds like her and Victoria would get along great. She is in love witht he Disney Princesses too. I think that she will get a little dress up set for her b-day also.