Saturday, October 10, 2009


After a very long pregnancy, Sadie was born Wednesday, October 7th at 10:49 am. I had really wanted to go into labor by myself but at my appointment on October 1st I just looked at the Dr. and said I'm done. I was physically, mentally and emotionally done! We scheduled the induction for the 7th. I went in for one more appointment on the 6th which verified the need to take her - she still hadn't gained any weight.
They started the Pitocin Wednesday morning around 8 and off we went - doesn't take much to get me going. It didn't take long until I wanted the blessed epidural. Of course it didn't work on the left side. I got to a 6 and was in pain on that left side - it was 10:15 they got the anesthesiologist up to my room and they checked me again and I was an 8 it was 10:30. As he was trying to get me numb on the left I looked at David and said I need to push. David just looked at me and again I said I need to push. David still just stood there. I said you need to get someone I need to push. The anesthesiologist ran opened to door and yelled for the nurses as David called for them. They all came running in - telling me not to push. They said Dr. Jacobs is coming. Dr. Jacobs came in out a breathe as she was sprinting. They got her gown and gloves on right as I had the next contraction - finally I got to push. One push and she was here. Not hard to birth a 6lb - 19.5 inch baby!
We found out why she hadn't been growing - the cord was double knotted - something they had never seen and it was very thin in a section. The Dr. Jacobs just looked at me and said this cord is really bad - good thing we got her out! We are very grateful that she was born healthy!
I got an upper respiratory infection while in the hospital so I didn't get to spend much time with Sadie but we have been home for 24 hours now and she is a very sweet, beautiful baby.